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Quinton's mod app

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Quinton's mod app Empty Quinton's mod app

Post  Quinton Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:33 am

In-Game Name:Quinton
Why you want mod:To help keep the server in a straight line
WHy you think you diserve Mod: I play at nights when mosts mods or admins wouldnt so i would becapable of catching botters/advertisers
Are you better then any other Mods? nope, being better then other mods means i have 2 hire PMC's to take them out
Where do you want Mod? In-game? Forums? Chatbox? Preferbly ingame since i am on latenight and sometimes during the day
Who wants you to be a Mod With proof:Kyle
Friends In-game:kyle
Enemies In-Game: the disconecting monster and the monster that ate my phat 0.0
People who DO NOT want you to be a Mod reply on there mod app.
What you`ve done for the server: well im getting a banner for the server on the the runescape top 200 list
What will you do if you get mod? i will do mod things like mod stuff you know? im jking accutaly id mute the kids advertising for other servers so we have a steady amount of players =]
What will you do if you DO NOT get mod? i will be a normal player without a pimpin crown next 2 my name
Whos your favorite staff member? Kyle of course
List all the Mod Rules:
~All Player Rules
~Don't abuse your powers..!
~Don't think you wont be demoted.
~Don't complain if you get demoted
~Treat our players with all respect.
~Treat your staff members with respect.
How active are you? Wheres your proof? i play at nights with kyle you know help sugest items in game like the berserker warrior archer and seers ring =]
List all our staff members:kyle, i am ben
List the REAL owner:Kyle
Will you donate? yes within time
Thank you
Good luck other players applying
Vote Quinton '11
Quinton king

Last edited by Quinton on Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:41 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : forgot something)

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-07-25
Age : 29
Location : Somewhere over the Slaughter House

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Quinton's mod app Empty Re: Quinton's mod app

Post  Admin Kyle Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:38 am

Shocked Shocked Shocked

Reading it, I almost laughed at a few parts, the enemies part.
Yeah, looks pretty good..Could use more info on the whole "what will you do if you get mod" and "What will you do if you don't get mod"

Remember, You may be demoted for a bit till more players come if they quit. You will be a Mod A.S.A.P when more come..I'll see what I can do to make you a Mod In-Game, but get players A.S.A.P..
Admin Kyle
Admin Kyle

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-06-22

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Quinton's mod app Empty Re: Quinton's mod app

Post  No Name Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:02 am

Good luck man Very Happy
No Name
No Name

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Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 34
Location : Portugal

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