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Karl's Mod App

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Karl's Mod App Empty Karl's Mod App

Post  karl Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:37 pm

Name: Karl
In-Game Name: Karl
Why you want mod: I would like to be a mod because I have never been a mod before on any private server, and I wish to have a chance and I believe this is my chance.
WHy you think you diserve Mod: I think I deserve the mod position because I am helpful, polite, kind, and trustworthy.
Are you better then any other Mods? No, I believe everyone is the same, except that mods have the power to sort problems out.
Where do you want Mod? In-game? Forums? Chatbox? Just in-game please, for some reason the chat box doesn't always work for me because something about my computer, it wont fix.
Who wants you to be a Mod With proof: N/A
Friends In-game: I only recently joined, however I have talked to a few people suck as I Skill, No Name, and Tquinn1.
Enemies In-Game: None I hope :p
People who DO NOT want you to be a Mod reply on there mod app.
What you`ve done for the server: Well I have helped some people get started with making money and using commands in the short time I've been playing.
What will you do if you get mod? I will play more often and I will try to make my name known as a friendly one and hope to help as many people as possible.
What will you do if you DO NOT get mod? I will carry on playing the server just as normal.
Whos your favorite staff member? You, of course Wink
List all the Mod Rules: The mod rules are:
~All Player Rules
~Don't abuse your powers..!
~Don't think you wont be demoted.
~Don't complain if you get demoted
~Treat our players with all respect.
~Treat your staff members with respect.
~Don't give ANY items to ANY account, not even your own..You WILL be reset and demoted ASAP
~Don't swear
~ALL Player Rules
~ALL Mod Rules
~Get Players
~Be Active
~Help anyone..Even if you hate them.
~Don't ban ANYONE, post what they did (With Proof) on the forums first.
How active are you? Wheres your proof? I have no proof other than people seeing me online, however I have msn and I will be on the server and msn at the same time so you can add me if you like.
List all our staff members: Ben, and you.
List the REAL owner: I believe you are the real owner, unless I am mistaken?
Will you donate? Possibly, in the near future, however I live in England and we use GBP here so I'm not sure how that will work.
Thank you for giving me the oppurtinity to be able to apply and good luck to everyone else who has and will apply! Very Happy
A special thank you to Kyle who has giving us this server to play on Very Happy I hope to spend many many many good times on here Smile
Yours Sincerly,


Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-08-01
Age : 32
Location : England

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Karl's Mod App Empty Re: Karl's Mod App

Post  Admin Kyle Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:08 pm

Looks pretty good actually.
I like it for the most part..I'm just curious, if you DON'T get mod, will you quit? Will you do things a mod will do? Example: Get Players, Vote, Help people out, Tell Kyle if someones breaking a rule..
Will you have a hissy fit if you get mod, and players quit and have to be demoted for a bit till more people join, get you're mod status back A.S.A.P!

Lots of important things happen when becoming a Mod..So don't ask for Mod if you're not up for the Crap people pull Wink
Thanks for the awesome Application my friend, enjoy the server, and good luck to you, and all you're fellow players. Smile

--You're Proud Owner,
Admin Kyle
Admin Kyle

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-06-22

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Karl's Mod App Empty Re: Karl's Mod App

Post  karl Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:19 pm

Thanks for the reply Kyle Very Happy As for if I don't get the position, I won't quit or anything stupid like that. I'd still be very happy to play on the server still, and will continue to vote AND report players. I also understand that if I do get the mod position, I may be demoted for a short while depending on how many people are playing, I understand and agree with that, and I am very patient which helps too :p


Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-08-01
Age : 32
Location : England

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