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Care Bears Mod App :D

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Care Bears Mod App :D Empty Care Bears Mod App :D

Post  Care Bear Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:44 pm

In Game Name:Tquinn1
Why you want mod: so i can help new people and other people to the best of my abilities.
Why i think i deserve mod: because i am great with people and problem solving.
Am i better then any other mods:well i don't think so Razz
Were do i want to be a mod: in game
Who wants me to be a mod: my cousin does and 2 people that i met online think that i would be perfect for the job there IGNS are :i skill and karl.
In game friends: well i haven't been here to long so Karl and i skill
Enimes in game: i have none i am a C A R E-B E A R.
People who dont want me to be a mod: i don't get the question sorry
What i have done for this server: i have not done anything but if you give me the chance then i have some great suggestions on how to improve the game.
What i Will do for this server:[/b] like i said i have a lot of ideas on mini games and armor/weapons that you don't have in the game that you could put into the game.
What i wont do if i get mod: i will never give away free items or scamm/lure anyone in the game.
My Favorite Staff Member:Kyle-Adim
Mod Rules:Don't abuse your power,dont think you wont be demoted,dont complain if you get demoted,treat all players with respect and staff,dont give accounts or items away or you will be demoted,dont swear,all player rules and mod rules,get players,be active,help everyone even if you hate them, dont bann people post why first.
How active am i with proof:i usually play a lot i play from 8:30am-11:00 and then 3:00-5:00pm then 6:30-11:00. but i am new to this server but i will still play just as much.
Staff Members:Kyle and Ben
Real Owner:i think the owner is kyle but im not 100% positive.
Will i donate:yes in the future i will be donating as soon as my friend teaches me how to use paypal =)

Care Bear

Posts : 6
Join date : 2010-08-01
Age : 28
Location : U.S.A

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Care Bears Mod App :D Empty Re: Care Bears Mod App :D

Post  Admin Kyle Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:10 pm

Pretty good..Good luck bud.
-You're Proud Owner,
Admin Kyle
Admin Kyle

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-06-22

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