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Gods Mod app.

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Gods Mod app. Empty Gods Mod app.

Post  god Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:45 am

Name: Matt Kinnear
In-Game Name:Godly
Why you want mod:I want to make this server as good as it can get.
WHy you think you diserve Mod: I don't think i do because its not whether i think its whether you think as a server.
Are you better then any other Mods? Nope.
Where do you want Mod? In-game? Forums? Chatbox? In-game would be good
Who wants you to be a Mod With proof: Don't need anything appart from the server.
Friends In-game:No-one
Enemies In-Game: No-one
People who DO NOT want you to be a Mod reply on there mod app.
What you`ve done for the server:nothing YET
What will you do if you get mod? make the server as good as it can get.
What will you do if you DO NOT get mod? keep on playing.
Whos your favorite staff member? this kyle guy sounds nice.
List all the Mod Rules: um.....
How active are you? Wheres your proof? none yet but you'll c me
List all our staff members: kyle.... um....
List the REAL owner:Kyle
Will you donate? Maybe in future
(Thank yous)
(Good Lucks)
(You smell ;])
Admin Kyle

Posts: 21
Join date: 2010-06-22


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-08-07

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