LinkinScape 508
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Connecting to LinkinScape

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Connecting to LinkinScape Empty Connecting to LinkinScape

Post  Admin Kyle Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:19 pm

Hey players, Mods, and Admins.
To connect to Linkinscape, you need ONE thing..Thats our client.
It is a 508 Ip Changer, you can use any 508 Ip Changer..

If you don't know how to use it..
Please open it, double click run.
Now, you wait, not opening or closing anything, a Black Box will appear with nothing in it..
now, a small little white box will pop up, asking for the Ip Adress..Put it EXACTLY:

Now, hit 'OK' And wait, the log in screen will slowly load.
Make a username, and password you WILL remember..And Read the rules on our Forums.
Thanks so much

Any further questions please reply.
Read the rules or else you will not be warned!! Auto-Banned if you break ONE rule, learn to read our rules, they come in handy. Thanks.
--You Owner,
Admin Kyle
Admin Kyle

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-06-22

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