LinkinScape 508
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Linkin Scape Rules!

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Linkin Scape Rules! Empty Linkin Scape Rules!

Post  Admin Kyle Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:10 pm

LinkinScape Rules! By Kyle.

Player Rules:
~Don't swear
~Don't be rude to other players
~Don't dupe
~Don't disrespect the staff
~Don't be racist
~Don't yell at people
~Don't spam
~Don't advertise.
~Don't ask for items
~Don't ask for staff
~Don't act like you're staff
~Don't tell people they are Banned/Muted/Jailed/Ipbanned.
~Don't deal with a problem, get you're staff members to deal with it or you both will be punished.
~Don't say "I know Kyle" or "I Know Aj" to scare people.
~English ONLY.
~Don't tell people you might get Mod and Admin and when you do, they are banned/muted/jailed/ip banned.
~Don't make account's with 'Mod' in them or 'Owner' or 'Admin'.

Mod Rules:
~All Player Rules
~Don't abuse your powers..!
~Don't think you wont be demoted.
~Don't complain if you get demoted
~Treat our players with all respect.
~Treat your staff members with respect.

[wow]Admin Rules:[/wow]
~Don't give ANY items to ANY account, not even your own..You WILL be reset and demoted ASAP
~Don't swear
~ALL Player Rules
~ALL Mod Rules
~Get Players
~Be Active
~Help anyone..Even if you hate them.
~Don't ban ANYONE, post what they did (With Proof) on the forums first.

Thanks guys and Girls.
Admin Kyle
Admin Kyle

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-06-22

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