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Linkin Scape Mod Apps

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Linkin Scape Mod Apps Empty Linkin Scape Mod Apps

Post  Admin Kyle Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:32 pm

In-Game Name:
Why you want mod:
WHy you think you diserve Mod:
Are you better then any other Mods?
Where do you want Mod? In-game? Forums? Chatbox?
Who wants you to be a Mod With proof:
Friends In-game:
Enemies In-Game:
People who DO NOT want you to be a Mod reply on there mod app.
What you`ve done for the server:
What will you do if you get mod?
What will you do if you DO NOT get mod?
Whos your favorite staff member?
List all the Mod Rules:
How active are you? Wheres your proof?
List all our staff members:
List the REAL owner:
Will you donate?
(Thank yous)
(Good Lucks)
(Final Message For Kyle)
(Your Name)
Admin Kyle
Admin Kyle

Posts : 22
Join date : 2010-06-22

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Linkin Scape Mod Apps Empty I skill I MOD APLICATION

Post  I Skill I Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:02 am

In-Game Name:I skill I
Why you want mod: I dont want it its a privelage and if im accepted i would be very happy but if i dont i dont.
WHy you think you diserve Mod: Because im very trustworthy im really great at meeting new people and i get along quite well with people and finally i will never let you down ever!
Are you better then any other Mods? no i am not no one is better then anyone people have their strenghts and weeknesses and im better then things that they arnt and they are better then me at some things also.
Where do you want Mod? In-game? Forums? Chatbox? Umm probaly it owuld be best in game im always on im usually on from 10 am - 10 pm but im on , on a nd off
Who wants you to be a Mod With proof:
Friends In-game:im new so none atm
Enemies In-Game:none and hope none will be
People who DO NOT want you to be a Mod reply on there mod app.
What you`ve done for the server: nothing atm im new
What will you do if you get mod? I will make sure that the server is under controll help you with watever you need also help players especially new ones aaround and find were things are.
What will you do if you DO NOT get mod? i will prove to you in game that i can be very trustworthy and helpful .
Whos your favorite staff member?umm i think it would be linkin
List all the Mod Rules: i dont know them sorry
How active are you? Wheres your proof? i am on about 5-7 hrs a day and on from 10 am - 11pm on and off though
List all our staff members:sorry i dont know them
List the REAL owner:linkin and kyle?
Will you donate? i will try my best to
(Thank yous)
(Good Lucks)
(Final Message For Kyle)
Chris Simoes

Admin Kyle

Posts: 20
Join date: 2010-06-22

I Skill I

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-08-05

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Linkin Scape Mod Apps Empty sorry bud.

Post  lawlzerz Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:07 pm

the owner is kyle, linkin hacked the server and put his name as owner, but kyle is the real owner, try searching around to find the news of what has happened.

Austin, (lawlzerz).


Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-08-01

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