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lawlzerz's mod application

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lawlzerz's mod application Empty lawlzerz's mod application

Post  lawlzerz Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:48 am

In-Game Name: lawlzerz
Why you want mod: because i want to help everyone.
WHy you think you diserve Mod:i think i deserve mod because i will work hard to make the server better.
Are you better then any other Mods?no, all mods are as important as eachother.
Where do you want Mod? In-game? Forums? Chatbox?i would like to be mod, ingame, and/or chatbox please.
Who wants you to be a Mod With proof:no-one i know.
Friends In-game: 0
Enemies In-Game:0
People who DO NOT want you to be a Mod reply on there mod app.
What you`ve done for the server: nothing yet, but im willing to help.
What will you do if you get mod?ill help with the server and ill help find the rule breakers.
What will you do if you DO NOT get mod? ill just try to show that i can make it and be a good mod.
Whos your favorite staff member? kyle!! hes my awesome buddy!!
List all the Mod Rules:Don't swear
Don't be rude to other players
Don't dupe
Don't disrespect the staff
Don't be racist
Don't yell at people
Don't spam
Don't advertise.
Don't ask for items
Don't ask for staff
Don't act like you're staff
Don't tell people they are Banned/Muted/Jailed/Ipbanned.
Don't deal with a problem, get you're staff members to deal with it or you both will be punished.
Don't say "I know Kyle" or "I Know Aj" to scare people.
English ONLY.
Don't tell people you might get Mod and Admin and when you do, they are banned/muted/jailed/ip banned.
Don't make account's with 'Mod' in them or 'Owner' or 'Admin'.

How active are you? Wheres your proof? i will try to be on almost every day, adleast 4-5 hours a day.
List all our staff members: kyle, (owner) i am ben (mod)
List the REAL owner:kyle
Will you donate? if i am alloud i will
thanks for puting server back up kyle.
good luck every-one on your mod apps.
hey kyle, ur awesome! Razz, well thanks for telling me bout the server.
Sincerly, austin (lawlzerz)

vid for server,, :

Last edited by lawlzerz on Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:48 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : had to add something)


Posts : 11
Join date : 2010-08-01

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